
GOGO AGRO S.a.r.l. is located in the north of Côte d’Ivoire (Poro region) in the town of Korhogo, about 500 km north of the administrative capital of the country, Abidjan, and a few kilometres from the border with Mali and Burkina Faso.

GOGO AGRO produces, according to a strict code of ethics that also focuses on the protection of the local environment, cold-pressed oils and butters from locally cultivated vegetable matrices such as CACAO butter and ARACHID oil, MORINGA oil and SESAME oil, and oils and butters from wild farming, such as KARITE‘ butter, BAOBAB seed oil and NEEM dis emi oil.

Within GOGO AGRO there is a plant for the EXTRACTION of ESSENTIAL OILS from local plants (mainly Lemongrass, Eucalyptus Globulus and Hyptis Suaveolens) and a plant for the production of natural soaps.

The target market is the cosmetics industry and the production of agricultural soil improvers (based on neem seed oil) in the French-speaking sub-Saharan African basin (UEMOA).
